Unleashing the Elemental Magic: Fire & Ice Contrast Therapy​

In the heart of self-discovery and wellness, Naked Soul Space shares an exhilarating ritual that taps into the ancient wisdom of elemental contrast therapy – Fire & Ice. This transformative experience, rooted in the balance of opposing energies, promises to ignite your spirit and soothe your soul in a dance of warmth and coolness. Embracing the Elemental Dance: FireThe journey begins with the primal energy of fire, symbolizing passion, vitality, and rejuvenation. As you step into the embrace of the flickering flames in the traditional wood-fired Sauna, allow the radiant warmth to penetrate your being. The fire element, known for its transformative power, encourages the release of tension, promoting a sense of invigoration and renewal.Engage your senses as the space comes alive with the comforting glow, casting shadows that dance with the rhythm of your breath. Feel the warmth penetrating deep into your muscles, easing away the stresses of the day. Let the fire be a guide, encouraging you to shed what no longer serves you and to embrace the flame of your inner strength. Soothing with the Elemental Chill: IceAs the dance with fire reaches its peak, transition into the tranquil realm of ice, where the cool touch of elemental water awaits. The icy embrace, a symbol of clarity and reflection, brings a refreshing contrast to the warmth that preceded it. Step into the crispness, allowing the invigorating chill to cascade over you.The elemental contrast serves as a metaphorical baptism, washing away the remnants of stress and fatigue. Feel the coolness penetrating your skin, awakening your senses and bringing mental clarity. In this ethereal embrace, find a sense of calmness and serenity as you surrender to the soothing power of the ice element. Harmony in Contrast: The Alchemy of Fire & IceThe juxtaposition of fire and ice creates a harmonious synergy, leaving you in a state of balance and bliss. The elemental contrast therapy at Naked Soul Space is more than a physical experience; it is a journey into the depths of your soul, inviting self-reflection and introspection.As you move through the elemental dance of fire and ice, embrace the transformative power of contrast therapy. The fusion of opposing energies awakens your soul to new dimensions of vitality and serenity. In this sacred space, discover the alchemy of elemental balance and emerge revitalized, renewed, and connected to the core of your being. Let’s get a little more scientific!Contrast therapy involves the alternation between two contrasting stimuli, typically heat and cold, to elicit specific physiological responses from the body. This form of therapy is believed to have various benefits, and the biological responses can be profound. Here's an overview of the biological responses associated with contrast therapy: Vasodilation and Vasoconstriction: Heat (Vasodilation): When exposed to heat, blood vessels near the skin's surface dilate (widen). This process, known as vasodilation, increases blood flow to the heated area, promoting nutrient and oxygen delivery. This can help relax muscles, reduce stiffness, and alleviate pain.Cold (Vasoconstriction): Conversely, exposure to cold causes vasoconstriction, where blood vessels narrow. This response helps to reduce blood flow to the cooled area, minimizing swelling and inflammation. Cold therapy can also temporarily numb nerve endings, providing pain relief. Cold immersion not only reduces blood flow to the skin, but also sends more blood flow to vital organs conserving warmth. Lymphatic System Activation:Contrast therapy stimulates the lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in removing waste products and toxins from the body. The alternating application of heat and cold can enhance lymphatic circulation, supporting the detoxification process. Muscle Relaxation and Contraction: Heat: Heat application helps relax muscles by increasing blood flow, which delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues. This can alleviate muscle spasms, reduce muscle tightness, and enhance flexibility.Cold: Cold application aids in reducing muscle inflammation and numbing pain receptors. Cold therapy can be particularly beneficial after intense physical activity to minimize muscle soreness and speed up recovery. Metabolic Rate Modulation: The shift between hot and cold environments can influence the body's metabolic rate. Exposure to cold may stimulate brown adipose tissue (BAT), leading to increased calorie expenditure as the body works to generate heat. On the other hand, heat exposure can induce sweating, helping to eliminate toxins and regulate body temperature making it a potential tool for weight management. Hormonal Responses:Contrast therapy may influence the release of certain hormones, such as endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. The alternation between hot and cold stimuli can also stimulate the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Cold exposure may lead to the release of endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and can contribute to an improved mood. This is often associated with the sense of well-being experienced after cold immersion. Immune System Modulation: The activation of the body's stress response during contrast therapy is thought to have immune-modulating effects. While acute stress responses can enhance immune function, chronic stress responses may have suppressive effects. The balance achieved through contrast therapy is believed to support a healthy immune response. Adaptation and Acclimatization:With repeated exposure to heat and/or cold, the body may undergo physiological adaptations to improve tolerance. This can include an increased production of certain proteins and enzymes involved in the thermogenic process. **It is important to note that while contrast therapy is widely used and has potential benefits, individual responses may vary. It is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions, before incorporating contrast therapy into a wellness routine. Additionally, gradual exposure and acclimatization are recommended to avoid adverse reactions.**​

What the Float?

You’ve probably seen the galactic looking giant-sized egg in photos and maybe even know about the idea of floating. But how good is it really?Let’s start with the ‘what is it’?A float tank is a chamber that sits in a private room for private use.It has a shallow body of warm water in it, approx. 40cm deep.Now here’s the really cool part, the water is mixed with 500kg of Epsom Salt creating a dense body of water, just like the world-famous Dead Sea.This means that when you lie in it, you are totally cradled by the water, able to float effortlessly without even trying.It really is the closest feeling to being in the womb.How will I benefit you ask?Well, where do I start.Let’s talk sensory deprivation!We live in a world of chaos. Constant stimulation. Most of us attack each day with million things to do and our brain is navigating each and every minute. We often find a way to rest our bodies, but when do we really rest our brains.Many of us are turning to mindful practices like yoga, breathwork techniques, medicine music and other calming and restful states of being.One unique thing that the float tank can offer you, like no other experience, is absolute sensory deprivation. The opportunity to rest that grey mass in your head, completely and deeply.When you take away all sensory inputs i.e., sound, sight, and touch, you relieve your mind of any need to subconsciously auto-respond or you trying to actively ignore these natural sensors.A float experience offers a deep mind-rest like no other.I admit myself, that at times my brain has actually had to even activate the thought of breathing due to becoming so relaxed I’ve realised I haven’t taken a breath in so long.I know of others experiencing this too which shows how deep a relaxation you can get to in the tank.The after effect of such a deep brain rest is what I call a brain reset. It’s kind of like when your computer has been running a bit groggy and slow and so you do a shutdown and restart to refresh its brain power. You get a fresh start, a renewed energy, and a clarity in the brain.Everyone of course is different. Your float session is also the perfect place for focus, and gain clarity and vision. A place with no outside distractions where you can create powerful manifestations. Many high-performance athletes use float therapy as part of their training regime for smart training, mindset and visualisation.Opening the mind to allow it to explore is great way to expand your mind too.If that’s not enough reason to come on down and try it out, then let’s not forget to mention the amazing physical benefits that float therapy offers though!In short, adding float therapy to your gym/training routine can help get the most from your effort- allowing you to recover faster and reduce injury. Let’s just recap for a moment. You have your very own float tank to relax into… in it, 500 kgs of Epsom salt is mixed with the skin-temperature water to create a ‘gravity-free environment’. As you float in the salty water with zero effort, your muscles and joints get the ultimate holiday from working hard.With that much Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) in the tank, you are literally floating in magnesium. Muscle relaxing, health-promoting magnesium! 🤩Recover faster! Prevent injury!A few studies have been done (including at Waikato university here in NZ) which show that floating can help the muscles recover faster, and it’s no surprise…Magnesium + deep relaxation + blissful freedom from gravity = recipe for speedy healing!  BOOK YOUR FLOAT NOW!  References​
